09 November 2010

Icky, Icky Sicky

So I officially got 1 1/2 hours of sleep... then much later another hour... then much later another 2 hours - but only because Seth was able to head into work a little bit late. Between Eleanor throwing up and Benjamin needing to nurse, it was a wakeful night. This is the kind of sickness I don't handle very well... especially when it means changing all the blankets and sheets on the bed multiple times in the night. We have finally mastered the concept of the "barf bucket," however, and the second half of the night Ella puked there. Tremendous!

So, if you're feeling in the mood, we'd love prayers for Ella getting better, the rest of us not getting sick (especially Benjamin) and me having patience today as I'm functioning on little sleep. Thanks!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

So sorry Bethany. It is awful when our kids are sick, especially with the flu. Allie had the flu a couple weeks ago but luckily it was short lived. She only threw up for 3 hours. But in the meantime it's the worst. I agree that changing sheets/blankets multiple times throughout the night is no fun. I'll be praying Ella is better quickly and that the rest of you stay healthy!