01 November 2010

Happy Halloween!

Ms. Ella - The Cat
(This was the only picture of the two kids we got - the only one of Benjamin - because our camera died mid-photo session.)

Eleanor was sick on Halloween, so we didn't do many of the activities we'd planned. Grandma and Grandpa (Sargent) were here, so Benjamin stayed with them while they handed out candy and Seth, Ella and I headed out for some quick Trick or Treating in our neighborhood.
The pumpkin carving actually happened the evening of November 1st. Ella was still talking about carving the pumpkins (actually, asking to cut them open and scoop out the seeds) and she was feeling slightly better, so Seth decided it should be done. They had a great time.

1 comment:

Katie said...

What a good papa he is:) poor miss ella though, I'm sorry she's been sick. I hope you are all healthy now. How wonderful that all the grandparents came, I hope they were a big help to you. I have missed your blogs and glad to see you posting again though I don't know where you find the time:) I think of you guys often and keep you in my prayers.