12 February 2010

21 Months!

Lately we've laughed a lot at little things Eleanor has started to say... of course, without a notebook on hand all the time, I forget them. But, I finally sat down and worked on remembering a few of the distinctly "Eleanor" comments we get often. This is a very fun, but very exhausting stage of toddler-hood. Ella is full of energy, loves to climb in, on and around anything and everything she can, loves to run "fas!", likes to jump and loves to get "dizzy." She gets in trouble often and has started a time-out routine. She knows this routine well now and will often turn herself in when she's been naughty... hilarious and so hard to keep a straight face! She'll tell me, "Mommy, Ella naugh-ny chair" in a very serious voice. If I then ask her the offense she'll either show me or tell me. I'm grateful for her truthfulness and hope to continue to foster her sense of truth and justice. :)

Here are a few conversations I want to remember, along with a few pronunciations I also would like to recall. She learns so much, so quickly these days that I'm sure the cute not-quite-but-almost-right words will disappear soon.

Yesterday at snack time:
"Hide apple. Sleeve."
"Oh?" Then, I really look at her... she's got an apple slice shoved up to her elbow inside her shirt. "Sure enough, You hid an apple in your shirt."
"Yes. Happy."

Eleanor Tippin: "Oh-nor Tippeh"

When asked to say, "Eleanor Christine":
"Oh-nor Kissty sit down!"
I guess I've said that a time or two. :)

spoon: "bood"

Most of Eleanor's ms end up with b sounds...
come: "cub"
tummy: "tubby"
jammies: "jabbies"

home!: "home-a"

couch: "carch"

Ella loves books and her most special books have names:
"Jesus" - Jesus Loves Me
"Bible" - The Baby Bible
"Cake" - The Gingerbread Baby
"Sick" - Bear Feels Sick
"Hippo-bird" - one of the Animal Baby magazines with a Hippo and a Bird on the cover
"Bee-bo" - The Belly Button Book
"Apple" - Apples, Apples
"Frog" - The Tiny Tadpole
"Bee-bee Am-alls" - Baby Animals
"Ni-Ni Harold" - Harold and the Purple Crayon

Eleanor's favorite game right now is changing her many baby's diapers. Over and over, 100 times a day, I hear: "Poopy diaper. Change. Eew! Eew! Stinky poop." Or, "Mommy, new diaper! Bee-bee poopy!"

Her 2nd favorite game is "DRESS UP!" Especially, dress up in "fairy boots." Those happen to be a set of silver boots from a knight in shining armor outfit paired with a green Tinkerbell dress and fairy wings. Stunning!

Several times lately at lunch Ella and I have had this conversation:
"What kind of cheese would you like, yellow or white?"
"Lellow. No, gween."
"Green cheese?"
"Yep. Gween cheese."
"Honey, we don't eat green cheese. Would you like yellow or white?"

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