31 March 2009
Desolation of the Week
27 March 2009
26 March 2009
25 March 2009
24 March 2009
Grandma Tippin
23 March 2009
So Big!
Ellie's been practicing her Peek a Boo and So Big skills while I've been working on the computer. What a great morning. :)
Today is a Snuggle Day
17 March 2009

16 March 2009
She's Done It!
Ellie started walking on Friday afternoon. Luckily for Daddy, she decided to begin by walking to him when he got home from work. 22 steps in a row for the first time! Now she's walking everywhere. Her favorite thing about not needing our help is that now she has both her hands free and therefore can carry all sorts of things along with her. She's been sighted over the weeked carrying bananas, yogurt cups with spoons, hats and Mom's gatorade bottle.
We took this video on Saturday morning:
We waited a couple of days for this announcement because Grandma Tippin is coming to visit us today and we decided to let the walking be a surprise. I'll try to keep blogging this week, but you know how it goes when we have visitors... I tend to vanish from cyberspace.
15 March 2009
More Food
So, here's my "version" of the recipe:
1 1/2 c dried black beans (place in a saucepan to soak in the AM and they're ready to cook by dinner time)
1 t cayenne pepper
6 c water
1 1/2 t ground cumin
1 T olive oil
1 meduim onion, diced
4 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 bag frozen pepper strips, chopped into small dice
1 celery stalk, diced
freshly groud black pepper
3 T orange juice
3 T lime juice
green onion, sliced
cilantro, chopped
1. Drain the soaked beans and place in a medium saucepan with the cayenne pepper and water. Bring to a boil over high heat, lower heat, and simmer for an hour and a half, partially covered, until tender. Remove 1 1/2 cups of the beans with a slotted spoon to a blender. Add 1 cup of the cooking liquid and blend until smooth. Return the puree to the bean pot.
2. Warm the oil in a medium saute pan. Add the onions and garlic and saute over medium-low heat for 7 minutes, or until the onions are softened. Add the cumin, peppers and celery and cook an additional 5 minutes, until the vegetables are soft.
3. Add a couple of ladles of beans with cooking liquid to the saute pan an simmer a few minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon to loosen any bits sticking to the pan. Stir the contents of the saute pan back into the bean pot.
4. Add 1 1/2 teaspoons salt and a sprinkle of black pepper and simmer, uncovered, 15 minutes. Stir n the range and lime juices and add salt to taste. Ladle into bowls and sprinkle with cilantro and green onions.
P.S. I'm sure you could use canned black beans if you wanted to make it even easier, but I have found that the texture of the dried beans is really nice.
P.S. 2 Mom, you guys will really like this one.
14 March 2009
The Yummiest Muffins Ever
1 1/2 c whole wheat pastry flour
1 1/2 t baking powder
1/2 t salt
1/2 t cinnamon
2 T powdered milk
3 T oil
3 T honey
1 egg
1 c chopped apple bits
3/4 c water
Preheat oven to 375 F. Grease a 12-cup muffin tin.
Mix the dry ingredients together. Stir the honey into the oil. Beat in the egg and add the apples and water. Place the wet ingredients in the middle of the dry ingredients and stir until just mixed. Spoon into the muffin tin.
Bake 10 to 14 minutes, or until the center springs back when pressed. The muffins will be rather pale.
13 March 2009
12 March 2009
Toilet Paper Escapades
11 March 2009
10 March 2009
09 March 2009
Whoa, 10 Months!
Each and every day Eleanor learns something new or notices something she hasn't encountered before. She's still working hard at walking and has taken many single steps as well as a few steps strung together. I wouldn't call it walking quite yet, but she's definitely stepping. :) She loves to stand by herself and still takes off as fast as her little feet can carry her when she's holding someone's hand.
Ellie loves "big girl" food and is sometimes a pain during meals now because she would really rather do it herself. Thus, we usually give her a spoon and use one ourselves. She dips her spoon in the cup and takes it either to her mouth or ours. She really loves to "feed" daddy. We give her a lot of food in small, soft chunks for her to eat with her hands and this is her favorite. She also begs for any food she sees someone "big" eating. She's recently added asparagus, onions, black beans, blueberries, pineapple, chicken and beef to her food list. She loves them all - I could hardly get a bite myself of my black bean soup the other day because she was standing at the edge of the sofa, whining for more. Last evening she enjoyed small chunks of our stew, cleaning her plate in this order: potatoes, carrots, onion, beef.
Last week the weather was so lovely (totally different from the blizzard conditions we're experiencing at the moment) that we walked, ran and played a ton outside. Eleanor enjoyed a couple of trips to some parks in town. She loved crawling her way up the big toys and sliding down the slides on my lap. She also had fun on the baby swings, riding in a bouncy red sports car and crawling around on a firetruck that wobbled to and fro.
The greatest aid to my life this last month has been Ellie's willingness to move her bedtime up an hour and thus her waking up an hour as well. This morning person of a mom is very thankful! Unfortunately, daylight savings time semi-foiled this schedule. I'll be working very hard this week to get her back to an 8:00 bed time (up to this point she's been a pretty stubborn night owl, sleeper-in like her daddy).
Probably the most fun aspect of her growing lately has been her understanding of waving hello and goodbye. She waves a lot. Sometimes it's practice and you can watch her little mind working hard while staring at her waving hand, fascinated by it's movement. Sometimes it's copying one of us as we say "bye bye" to dad in the mornings or "bye bye" to friends who come to visit. She's also started staring at the door and waving while whispering, "buh buh" on days when we haven't ventured outside for a walk, run or other outing. She'll say it over and over until we make an exit. She has also grasped the concept of saying goodbye to people well enough to wave to the clerks at the grocery store as we leave. She sticks her right hand waaay up in the air and waves her little hand while again whispering, "buh buh." Yesterday she happily waved to me as I made my way to the door for a run. In the last week she's done most of her waving unprompted and we've enjoyed watching the exent of her understanding grow.
06 March 2009
Peaches for Me
More Teeth!
04 March 2009
Despite our Sickness
We've also baked yummy bread,