26 January 2011

4 Month Stats

Benjamin went in for his 4-month check up this morning. Here are his newest stats:

Height: 25 inches (48th %)
Weight: 14 lbs 14 oz (45th %)
Head Circumference: 42 cm (16.5 in) (39th %)

And just for comparison, I looked up Eleanor's stats... here's where she was at just over 4 months: height 26.8 in, weight 14 lb 5 oz, and head 16.3 in. We always knew she was long and lean, but this definitely tells me why Benjamin seems chubby to us!
Here's a pic of Ella at 4 1/2 months...
And Benjamin...

1 comment:

Forney Fun Da Mentals said...

What a cute little bugger. I can't get over how much he looks like a Sargent! Thank you so much for your Christmas card. I just love seeing how the great grandchildren are growing up. You have been very blessed to have a wonderful husband, and now two sweet little babes. I hope you are getting enough rest mommy!!