Benjamin is four months old today - and I'm wondering where the time went! He is a sweet, gentle, happy little man and we feel extremely blessed to have him as part of our family. It is exciting to see small pieces of his personality emerge every day and to watch him learn and grow. He is "talking" to us more and more each day, loves to giggle at Daddy and Eleanor, is working hard at learning how to grab things, is happiest while being held (but laying on his back and kicking comes in at a close second), wishes it was summertime so he could just wear a diaper all the time, and is still working and working on his rolling over skills. He has finally decided being on his tummy is not the worst thing in the world, so he rolls from tummy to back less frequently now. And, he's working on the logistics of getting his hands out of the way so he can easily roll from back to front. He's made it sucessfully a few times, but most of the time just spends a lot of time curving his back with his feet up so he rolls back and forth from side to side (usually while making all kinds of singing noises).
He has his 4 month well check next week, so we'll update you then about his growth stats - but, we have absolutely no worries there! This little boy has some chunk-tastic thighs going on!