15 June 2010

Potty Trained!

It's official! Eleanor is potty trained. We are SO proud of her and all the efforts she's put in. Since our trip to Seattle Ella hasn't had ANY poop accidents and has only had 2 other accidents - that's in 2 1/2 weeks! She is all about her new big girl undies that she gets to wear all the time and is a champ now at telling us when she has to go. (Yeah for no more timers!) She still wears a "Mickey diaper" at night, and it is still wet when she wakes up, but she keeps her underpants dry for naps and during the day. I'm relieved we are "finished" with this part of her training, but I'm also impressed at how well she took to this round of training.
Here is the big girl with some of her potty charts.

And her feet are sporting "dry pants" stickers.

We've since moved past needing reward charts and stickers, but she is still getting candy rewards. She gets 2 Skittles every time she successfully uses the potty and gets a Dum-Dum sucker each time she goes poop (thanks, Hannah, for the timer idea!). Soon we'll begin to faze these out as well.

1 comment:

arturlington said...

man, she has it good! Can I get treats too!